Following the Way (Full Documentary)

Following the Way (Full Documentary)

This was a documentary we made about the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea in 2010, and was commissioned and produced by the Papua New Guinea Church Partnership UK. 

Ever since missionaries Albert Maclaren and Copland King first brought the Gospel to Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 1891, the Anglican Church has carried out a mission of preaching, teaching and healing. In a country with 700 different languages, inaccessible terrain and all the problems of a developing nation such as HIV, this is a challenge indeed. Today the country is made up of five Anglican dioceses – Dogura, Popondetta, Port Moresby, Aipo-Rongo and New Guinea Islands – and each had a wildly diverse story to tell us, from the islands to the highlands.  Visit deserted coasts, dense jungles, fast-growing urban towns and inaccessible mountain ranges – all filled with a range of amazing indigenous peoples.

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